Housing Options

We offer a wide range of housing options to our clients to meet the unique needs of each individuals these include but are not limited to:

Shared Property

This is people living together with common characteristics, who have their own Tenancy Agreements and bedrooms, communal spaces are shared to help facilitate friendship and group activities, care staff are available to provide care and support services based around individually designed care plans.

Single tenancy /Self – Contained flats schemes

This is primarily accommodation for people that require a higher level of support in a more adapted environment with their own front door, along with a dedicated specialist team of staff supporting them, sometimes referred to as stage 1 housing.

All our housing schemes are managed with a full enhanced housing management service that is responsible for repairs, maintenance, statutory compliance, periodic testing, Health and Safety, Fire Safety, water testing, gardening services, furniture replacement, refurbishment plans that include kitchen and bathroom upgrades.


Referrals are based on individuals needs, their commissioned care and support packages and will be accepted via Adult Social Care, Hospitals, NHS, Local Authorities and partners agencies. A structured assessment will be carried out by our team to ascertain suitability and eligibility along with a preferred housing options plan, detailing affordability and suitability under Supported Accommodation pathways. If we can’t provide you with accommodation, we will advise on other housing solutions available that best meet our clients needs, often engaging the local authorities Housing Solutions Teams and other specialist Housing Associations.