Working with partners and stakeholders nationally

Providing bespoke
specialist housing and
supported living

Specialising in the supply of good quality, flexible, choice-led, affordable housing solutions for vulnerable adults with commissioned care and support needs

Provide and Assist was formed in 2022 and is a not-for-profit, Community interest Company specialising in the supply of good quality, flexible, choice-led, affordable housing solutions for vulnerable adults with commissioned care and support needs. This may include a learning disability, mental health needs, sensory impairments and physical disabilities. Provide and Assist CiC is continually working with partners and stakeholders nationally to help meet the supply of bespoke housing and the need for maintained therapeutic environments, ultimately to service the demand for quality specialist supported housing. Helping to enable people to actively live better, more meaningful lives in community settings with their own front door achieving their unique aspirational goals.


Who we work with

Currently we collaborate with NHS England, Commissioners, Local Authorities, Housing Associations, investors and specialist agencies sharing the same value base.